Saturday 15 October 2011

Fruits are Fun

Getting kids to eat fruits can sometimes be tricky but presenting it in a fun way can always help. Fruit Kabobs are an easy way to make fruit fun and getting kids involved in making their own snacks. They can be used as a snack or a dessert and can be made ahead of time and kept wrapped in the fridge for later so kids can enjoy them anytime!

Fruit Kabobs

You will need:
- Kabob sticks (cut the pointy side to make it flat)
- Lots of different chopped up fruit
- Yogurt

How to:

1. Have all the fruit set up where your kids can choose which ones they want. The bigger variety of fruit, the more likely they'll be to try different ones and it'll make their kabobs more colourful. Lots of examples include bananas, apples, kiwi, plums, strawberries, melon, pineapple, oranges and grapes. Make sure the chunks are big enough so that the kids can easily poke the sticks through them, but not too big that it'll take more than a few bites to eat.

2. Pass out the sticks and let them pick which fruit they want.

3. When the sticks are all done, put some yogurt out for fruit dipping.

Chunks of cheese and cold meats are great add ons as well.

This is a great snack for when there's lots of kids like a party. With a bigger selection of fruit comes more smiles from the kids!!


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